Vote Now for the Games YOU Want to Make Us Play in UPickVG 5!

By | May 1, 2016

Vote Now for the Games in UPickVG 5

UPickVG 5, the fifth annual-ish charity game-a-thon where you, the viewer, get to pick the games we have to play – why, it’s just around the corner! And now, it’s time for one of the really fun parts of the game picking: the voter poll!

We use your votes in this poll to determine how much demand there is for each game you guys have requested (and therefore, how likely it is that a certain game will raise money for charity). So if you’re really keen on seeing a certain game (or several certain games) in the game-a-thon, let us know by coming back to vote every day through May 15th!

Without any further ado… here is your voter poll: (If you’re having trouble viewing the poll below, click here.)

Tips: (Yes, we’re going to tell you how to rig the poll for a game you want!)

  1. The games appear in random order every time the poll loads, so as to not give favor to the games that happen to be at the top. If you’re looking for a specific game, use “Ctrl+F” to search for the game’s name.
  2. Don’t see the name of a game above that you wanted? Use that “Other” box to do a write-in vote, son!
  3. Best way to get a game you want to do well in the poll? Vote every day, and harass your friends and family to vote for that specific game, too. Remember to be specific when you harass people – a Facebook post of just the link to this blog post won’t get Aunt Edna to vote for Resident Evil 0 – you gotta tell her what game to vote for.
  4. Share the poll on all your social media networks. It’s for charity, and voting is cool.
  5. Tips #3 and #4 go double if you’re doing a write-in vote for something that’s not in the poll. You’ll have to work extra hard to convince friends, family, and your social networks to come back often and write in the name of the game you want. (And next time, don’t be slow, and request games before we do the poll.)

Please note: the poll above contains nearly every game that was requested for UPickVG 5 on our Request Games page. Unfortunately, a few games had to be left off because the games were unobtainable, or were for a system that we don’t own and couldn’t borrow. These exceptions apply to only a small handful of games, and we hope you’ll understand that we left them off the viewer poll because we didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up that they could appear in the marathon.

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[…] for you to choose from! This game list was put together based on your suggestions and your votes in the poll, with a few extra ideas added in by our Official Gamesmuns, Chip & […]